Sunday, November 6, 2011

Interviews: Ladies, look the part!

There are many struggles everywhere you look in terms of finding a job! Not only are the employers looking at your resume and experience, but they are also looking at YOU as a whole; one of the credentials I always consider in interviewing is presentation. Did you know someone will make the first impression of you only in the first few minutes in meeting them?

With the few tips I will be sharing with you, know that even if the employer goes in a different direction, you can walk away knowing you left them with a great vibe while you confidently move on to the next “open door”. Don't you agree giving a great interview goes hand in hand with looking your best?

Here are a few hints on looking the best for your perfect job:

1)      Keep a clean look. Make sure to keep hair away from your face - try a simple hair band, or pull your hair back in a pony and wrap some hair around the elastic to hide it. Nothing fancy, just pretty and clean.

2)      Wear make-up but not too much, Just enough to enhance your features.

3)      Never wear glittery shadows or bright colors! Light pinks or neutral colors give off a nice vibe

4)      Dark or smokey eyes are best for a “going out” look, so keep it that way!

5)      Light browns go well with any eye color, and it is always safe.

6)      Check your mascara! Make sure you have no clumps or specks down your face – It’s not usually the best way to impress!

7)      Focus on a clean and “pretty” look, and most importantly be yourself.

These may seem to be the most obvious beauty-tips for an interview, but sometimes it is what can matter the most. I hope a few of these may help you out. Good Luck!

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