Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My first Intro

My fist blog to you all will be kept short and sweet!
Now, I have to inform you that I’ll try to make the best sense of this blogging thing since my writing will never be qualified for the next “#1 bestselling author” in your nearest Barnes and Noble or anything, but I’ll give it a shot…

Okay, so I’ve known about blogging, but never actually thought of making my own page until last night when I met a woman at a local pizza place, (I should mention that 80-90% of the time I venture out at night is in hope to meet new people who have years of experience that are willing to offer a good piece of advice) she was sitting alone and somehow in the mist of what was going on, I sat down with her and began to chat about my life and she began to tell me about hers – she was a tarot reader, but believe in it or not, she helped me out in her own way.

The biggest topic was about my career and what I should be doing now to keep myself on the right path. I explained to her that I am a licensed hairstylist f 4 years and certified make-up artist of 2, residing in CT who is aspiring to bring my creativity to the New York City stages. My only problems is getting enough gigs - and believe me, like anyone else who "really wants it" I am constantly on this lap top like it is attached to me, sending out resume's, searching for whose hiring and what's coming up next , but it is definitely a struggle.

Anyway, the woman who gave me some insight only made me realize that sending out my resume here-and-there isn’t enough- it's just a PART of what I should be doing (shocker). She then enlightened me on making a name for myself, so here I am. I’m starting this blog while keeping a record of new gigs I have, new opportunities coming my way and new people I meet. I feel that it is the best remedy for me; I live off of advice, new knowledge and picking people’s brains.

On that note, I hope you enjoy the next entries coming – keep up with my journey in bringing my style to the Arts J

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